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Our Services

We have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.

At Brightwell, we understand every aspect of DB pension management, offering an integrated pension management model across assets, liabilities, advisory services, valuation support, funding solutions and member services. This utilises economies of scale, is outcome based and delivers value. 

Underpinned by leading technology and integration across member data, member portal, portfolio management, hedging and covenant assessment, our approach is designed to deliver high-quality services to members and sustainable funding and investment solutions, supporting schemes with their endgame objectives.

We have developed this understanding from working closely with the BTPS Trustees and BT Group to solve the complex challenges facing BTPS over many years.

We focus on building mutually beneficial, and transparent working relationships with our partners for the long-term. 

Funding &​ Fiduciary ​Services

Ensuring pension schemes can meet their obligations to members and their beneficiaries involves careful management of scheme assets and in-depth understanding of the factors that influence assets, liabilities and corporate sponsors.

Member Services

Strong administration, high-quality communications and modern technology are essential to the delivery of members’ benefits and informed decision making.


Through our partnership with Procentia we offer pension schemes a powerful solution, giving members access to personalised pension information at the touch of a button. 

Advisory Services

We believe that the experience and expertise that we have built up supporting BTPS makes us uniquely well-placed to deliver high-quality advice to other DB schemes developing bespoke solutions that are tailored to their own objectives. 

Future focused insights

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The price of risk aversion for defined benefit pension schemes

There has been a lot of talk in recent months about whether UK defined benefit (DB) pension schemes are too risk averse when it comes…

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